Dak Ghar

Dak GharDak GharDak Ghar is a play by Tagore that concerns Amal, a child confined to his uncle’s house because he has an incurable disease. The boy pines for release but since the doctor would not allow it, he sits in his house morose. Amal stands in the courtyard, talks to passers-by and asks them about the places they go.

The construction of a new post office prompts the imaginative Amal to fantasize about receiving a letter from the king. The village headman mocks Amal and pretends that the ignorant child has received a letter from the king who promises that his royal physician will come to attend to him. The physician comes heralding the news of the imminent arrival of the king. Amal however, falls into a deep asleep never to awake as Sudha, his best friend, comes to greet him with flowers.

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